“Pilsotas” in Klaipeda


Donatas Rakauskas
  • Kuosų g. 20, Klaipėda
  • Latitude:55.6913
  • Longtitude:21.1467
  • Public object

About object:

A new residential and commercial purpose neighbourhood of 9 hectares area was planned in Klaipeda in the place of the former tank area. A catchy 34-storey skyscraper called “Pilsotas” is standing in its western part.
According to the architect, when designing the houses of over 100 meters in height, the main means of expression are not details or colours, but the very shape of the building – we supposed to create it as graceful as possible. The elegant proportions of the building are accentuated by repetitive architectural elements creating expressive visual rhythmics: vertical bands of glass of the western façade and horizontal contour of window bands of the lower part. The apartment house is decorated with a delicate colouring of façade panels changing their colour depending on the lighting from grey to green shades.
When designing the “Pilsotas”, we sought for a simpler and more reliable construction, and therefore decided to build the house in two separate sections, in the centre of which there are shafts of engineering communications with lifts and evacuation staircases. There are five apartments in both stairwells of each floor and totally there are 164 apartments in the house.
The result is delightful: the “Pilsotas” is one of the most elegant skyscrapers in Lithuania, which architecture palms by its simplicity.

A. Štelbienė

Object information:

  • Project ID:96
  • Implemented:2007
  • Architects:Donatas Rakauskas
  • Architects companies:Plienas
  • Purpose:Residency
  • Area:17000 kv. m.
  • Constructors:Audrius Ražaitis
  • Constructors companies:“Pilsotas” in Klaipeda
  • Other companies:“Pilsotas” in Klaipeda


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