Archive of New Technical Documentation of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant
Gintaras Čaikauskas, Miroslaw SzejnickiAbout object:
Upon arising of a need to retain the documentation of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, a new building of archive was projected and built in the territory of INPP. This compact-volume, single-storey object contrasts with the existing monumental environment of “ferroconcrete architecture” of the seventies and eightieth and highlights topicalities of the new times in an even land plot without significant conformation elevations.
Exteriorly, the main and the rearmost façades are emphasized, the side façades are neutral, of uniform colours and materials, with windows to the workrooms. The emphasized long façades are far more expressive, according to the project authors, symbolizing the idea of “books in shelves”. In the main façade, the colourful vertical décor is interrupted by a window band and a vitreous tambour, but the graphics of strict lines is retained, therefore the creative idea remains easily perceptible and the building is provided with visual lightness. The laconic rear façade with the only door in the sunset colouring as if encodes a transparent transformation into the future.
I. Garnytė- Sapranavičienė
Object information:
- Project ID:74
- Implemented:2005
- Architects:Gintaras Čaikauskas, Miroslaw Szejnicki
- Architects companies:“Viltekta”, „Architektūros linija”
- Purpose:Office
- Area:1342 kv. m.
- Constructors:Algirdas Snuviškis
- Constructors companies:Archive of New Technical Documentation of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant
- Other companies:Archive of New Technical Documentation of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant