The hotel of suite of rooms
Ramune Staseviciute, Ansis Burke, Aiste Burke, Vytautas GryksasAbout object:
Šaulių street is completed by a row of residential houses characteristic of the twentieth century, forming a small block of the Klaipeda Naujamiestis limited by Šaulių, Priestočio, Ramiosios and Vilties streets.
The hotel of suite of rooms has been established in the residential house after it restoration and adaptation of one of such houses of the beginning of the twentieth century and after building its extension part.
Poise with the context, without disturbing the characteristic local spatial structure has been maintained. Building character and scale are close to the restored building; however, the separation of the two parts is very clear. The volumes are connected to one another by one-storeyed part, where a lobby of entrances is formed. The extension of contrasting appearance is contradistinguished to the building of the style of the beginning of the twentieth century. The proportions and the colour solution are alike, but the volumetric expression and division of facades are quite different. Glass volume hidden under the dark blinds is framed by identical exterior facades, repeating the decoration of old part of the facade and cornice line. Clean minimalistic planes are highlighted through recovered parts and lighting solutions. Cosy and delicately sensitive ensemble has been created.
G. Stankeviciene
Object information:
- Project ID:176
- Implemented:2012
- Architects:Ramune Staseviciute, Ansis Burke, Aiste Burke, Vytautas Gryksas
- Architects companies:Pilis, R. Staseviciutes design company
- Purpose:Hotel
- Area:1239 kv. m
- Constructors:Kristina Kliukiene, Arturas Preiksaitis
- Constructors companies:SKP
- Other companies:The hotel of suite of rooms
- Photographer:Domantas Umbrasas